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Retail/Local sourcing

More than any other element of the city centre, the retail sector epitomises the tensions around sustainability. Changing consumer behaviour is creating a desire for policy and interventions to support 'retail sustainability' as a key component of the city centre economy. But concerns over the footprint of global supply chains, fast fashion and waste suggest more fundamental change is needed to enable retailing to make more of a contribution to climate change and sustainable economic systems. Resolving these tensions are pivotal in shaping the future of the city centre.

Find out about some of the issues and recent insights below.

Dubai mall.JPG

Key issues

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Find out more about research into the impact of change on retailing and consumption in the city centre and its role in the regeneration and revitalization of the area. Click on titles below for access.

Barat-Salgueiro and Guimaraes (2020) Sustainability, 12, 9433

This paper focuses on the triangle of retail, urban resilience and city sustainability, aiming to uncover how cities have coped with retail challenges to increase their resilience towards a sustainable path, highlighting the role played by public policy.

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